Concerned citizen ousted from Convention of States meeting, deemed a “potential disruptive threat”

Bradley County News Network

Concerned citizen ousted from Convention of States meeting, deemed a “potential disruptive threat”

Dear Patriots,

2300 pm

An article submitted by Donny Harwood to Bradley County News-

I was tossed out of a Convention of States meeting in Nashville TN tonight.

I applied online to this very public meeting and received a ticket to attend. Immediately upon arriving, I said my name and I was surrounded immediately by COS employees and escorted out.

I demanded that I be able to attend this very important meeting but was told that because COS paid for the room they can determine who attends and who does not. I asked if I could speak with my State Senator Mike Bell and Mr Clark, a COS Regional Director said I could call him but he had not talked to him. I then asked for Mark Meckler and he said he was not attending this…

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