Mapping The DNA Of Jesus Can Jesus Be Cloned ?

The information came back within 2 hours, as strange as it may sound, you know what here is the information. Attempt To Clone Jesus Underway, Despite strenuous objections from religious leaders and many people of faith from around the world, the Wyoming Institute of Technology plans on pushing forward with its controversial attempts to clone the reputed “Son of God”, Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

The genesis of the project started in 2012 when scientists at W.I.T. we’re contracted by the Vatican to aid in developing methods to preserve some of the churches most holy and potentially delicate relics. In the course of cataloging the relics scientists from W.I.T. became highly interested in the reputed “Lance of Longinus”: the spear used to pierce Jesus’ side by a Roman centurion as he hung crucified upon the cross. Small samples taken from the remnants of decorative tassels surrounding the head of the spear and wood from its haft were initially meant to aid in better understanding the precise preservation techniques needed. But an intrepid and curious researcher at W.I.T.’S applied sciences laboratory took it upon himself to attempt to extract and sequence DNA from the samples. Thanks to remarkable advances in genetic sequencing made over the last several years he was successful in isolating and extracting the DNA of what may very well be Jesus of Nazareth.

This DNA is unmistakably human, but does posses several small differences that have never before been seen. Several genes are present in the DNA extracted from the spear that do not exist in any other human, and their function is completely unknown. Scientists at W.I.T. feel that it is necessary to make a human clone utilizing this DNA so that observational data can be gathered regarding these new genetic markers.

Unfortunately the cloning of humans is currently prohibited by most nations of the world including the United States of America. But W.I.T. is excited to note that an agreement was made last December with the Democratic People’s Republic of North Korea to host this potentially ground breaking project. An initial test batch of five embryonic clones has been created and are currently developing in host mothers. If they remain viable birth should occur no later than April of 2015.

The superstition surrounding this project has led to many threats of violence against researchers and workers at W.I.T’s facilities over the last three months. W.I.T. remains committed to morally guided, ethical based research- no matter what the cost. We will continue to function with the highest regard for human life and push for the advancement of science and the species. This project is a glowing example of the possible potential of the White House’s 2013 science advancement funding initiative. Without Federal grants and funding this project, and many others like it, would be impossible to do.

If We Can’t Clone Jesus By DNA, Why Not By Virtue- Forbes

This past summer I picked up Sean Murphy’s best-selling graphic novel, Punk Rock Jesus, which is a bit like The Truman Show meets Please Kill Me: Jesus is brought back as a clone, the subject of a wildly popular and controversial reality TV show, until the teenaged Chris bails on the whole enterprise to become the leader of a punk-rock band and all-around rebel.

Cloning Jesus has become a well-known trope for good reason. When things look dire, wouldn’t it be great to bring back Jesus himself—or maybe Abraham Lincoln!—to save us all? But of course a clone can never be the same as the original. Besides, that lets us off the hook too easily. We can’t wait around for someone else to fix things. We’re far better off bringing back these transformative figures by learning from and acting on their examples.…

The Clone -ing Of Jesus Christ have they gone to far ?


Born Without A Soul: Children Of The Damned

European Union Scientists, Clone Human Without Using Egg Or Sperm. To build their own people, to govern the world. A people that will sever the needs of a ‘people’ from a time when God was at war with them.

European scientists have created a living embryo, in a hugely controversial experiment. The experiment combined two types of stem cells and created a viable embryo, which scientists say will allow them to clone humans within decades.

The advancement towards human cloning was predicted by Huxley in a dystopia where systematic control of thought and behavior are conducted through genetic engineering, biological conditioning and predestined genetic stratification. reports: The researchers believe the wonder creation could see mice being cloned in three years time, and humans two decades later.

The advancement towards human cloning was predicted by Huxley in a dystopia where systematic control of thought and behaviour are conducted through genetic engineering, biological conditioning and predestined genetic stratification. reports: The researchers believe the wonder creation could see mice being cloned in three years time, and humans two decades later.

The advancement towards human cloning was predicted by Huxley in a dystopia where systematic control of thought and behaviour are conducted through genetic engineering, biological conditioning and predestined genetic stratification.

Euro scientists create life without the need of egg or sperm Lead researcher, Professor Nicholas Rivron of Maastricht University, said the main use for the embryos would be to test drugs and solve the infertility riddle.

He said: “As you know, embryos are very precious, and it is impossible to use to test drugs on them as you don’t have the numbers.

“With blastocysts you can open up the numbers. This will allow screening medicines in the future.

“I do not believe in using blastocysts for human reproduction. This is ethically very questionable, this would be clones of somebody who is already alive. Human cloning is totally forbidden.”

Professor Robin Lovell-Badge of the Francis Crick Institute added while the experiment was a huge breakthrough for modern science, it may come as a relief it cannot be replicated in humans yet.

He said: “It may come as a relief to others that such a method of producing many genetically identical human embryo-like structures that might be capable of implantation is not feasible – even if it would be illegal to implant them into women, as is clearly the situation in the UK.”

Cloning continues to fascinate the science world, particularly after Dolly the Sheep made headlines across the globe in 1996.

The ewe lived for six years after being the first mammal cloned by professors at the University of Edinburgh by Keith Campbell and Ian Wilmut.

The animal died five months before her seventh birthday from a progressive lung disease.

CDC Centers for Disease Control- Eugenics:…23842.37930.0.40184.….0…1c.1j2.64.psy-ab..0.9.854…0j0i13k1j0i8i13i30k1j0i30k1j0i5i30k1j0i7i5i10i30k1j0i8i30k1j0i22i30k1j33i22i29i30k1j33i21k1j33i160k1.0.W7oXFahTi0I

Eugenics, the science of improving a human population by controlled breeding to increase the occurrence of desirable heritable characteristics. Developed largely by Francis Galton as a method of improving the human race, it fell into disfavor only after the perversion of its doctrines by the Nazis.