Made in America Resource Guide: Where to Find American Companies? – ABC News


Made in America Resource Guide: Where to Find American Companies? – ABC News.

I was going to create a resource page for goods made in America but Diane Sawyer and the ABC World News team has made a terrific directory and interactive map that I could never outdo!

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What Sets Us Apart from The Rest Of The World

English: Lt. Col. Greg Gadson, a double ampute...

English: Lt. Col. Greg Gadson, a double amputee who wears the Power Knee 2, a next-generation powered prosthetic with artificial intelligence and sensor technology, shares his experiences during the rehabilitation process with a Soldier in Schweinfurt, Germany, Sept. 29. Gadson was the first to wear the advanced technology, and with it, he remains on active duty. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Sometimes there are things that need to be shared, they are moving, they touch your heart. This sets us apart from other countries and as Americans. I do feel that this is a must share.


A photo of a woman toting her amputee husband on her back has gone wildly viral this week as commenter after commenter marvels at the couples’ apparent devotion.

August 28, 2013, in Spouse & Family NewsWounded Spouse by Amy Bushatz

Read more:…

The Connection- Fantastic Photos

I all ways search for good people and Web Sites to with. Stumbleupon has been over looked. I do assure you this site has photos so hot they need to be seen…

Here are the one I like for today….

top 33 most beautiful abandoned places in the world 5 The 33 Most Beautiful Abandoned Places In The World

top 33 most beautiful abandoned places in the world 13 The 33 Most Beautiful Abandoned Places In The World

top 33 most beautiful abandoned places in the world 17 The 33 Most Beautiful Abandoned Places In The World

top 33 most beautiful abandoned places in the world 25 The 33 Most Beautiful Abandoned Places In The World

top 33 most beautiful abandoned places in the world 30 The 33 Most Beautiful Abandoned Places In The World

Fantastic by all means ….this is brought to you by the Toptentogo News Network

An American Boycott

I have unlimited access to the maim stream media… numbers….I research findings before I post….like in the posting of, An American Boycott….
I did not share a thing or two it is because I wish to see if people know….I will share this…
according to International Trade Law Agreements……China, Japan, and the Arabic Nation violated International Laws,
also…..the most simple forum that should of been applied, is a Equality ….
the balance of the freedom of choice of all currency…..what most people missed within the posting is the fact by what China did, is also the same failure that the United States did….
The United States is seen as a aggressive species with a world wide foot hold within other countries….because of that we see this Chess Game of a Political Stands over- World Wide Economy….but what China and the other countries may have over looked, this would create a fail out of the USA System and could lead to civil unrest and civil war….their move created a black hole….
now these countries, did the same error that England and the the United States did…
to put it simple…they got to big for their own paints…..
so, now this Government must cut back on all spending….and end this supporting of countries that…ok like this….some wheres around $74.5 Billion has been given to the Arabic Nations….by the USA…I myself see a pandora’s box…..

I thought about this for a long time and all the supports and friends within our Network agrees…it is past time for a boycott against China Products, The Arabic Nations Oil, The United Nations Funding Needs, and any other country that has moved to replace the American Currency as the World Currency.
 The Name George Soros seems to turn up in places you it would not seem to think he was there. This video..
 Now no one stated this will happen but its better to be safe then sorry….
Publisher, S&A Research
From  Stansberry & Associates Investment Research has released a News Update…
 ….talked about the riches men in the USA…as soon as he said George Soros….at the very same time my mind was searching for his name, because this is his kind of work…To force the American People into some sorted New World Order Concept. George Soros must be using Pharmaceutical Narcotics…because he is full of himself.
 Supporting News:
By Marin Katusa, Casey Research
There’s a major shift under way, one the US mainstream media has left largely untouched even though it will send the United States into an economic maelstrom and dramatically reduce the country’s importance in the world: the demise of the US dollar as the world’s reserve currency.
For decades the US dollar has been absolutely dominant in international trade, especially in the oil markets. This role has created immense demand for US dollars, and that international demand constitutes a huge part of the dollar’s valuation. Not only did the global-currency role add massive value to the dollar, it also created an almost endless pool of demand for US Treasuries as countries around the world sought to maintain stores of petrodollars. The availability of all this credit, denominated in a dollar supported by nothing less than the entirety of global trade, enabled the American federal government to borrow without limit and spend with abandon.
The dominance of the dollar gave the United States incredible power and influence around the world… but the times they are a-changing. As the world’s emerging economies gain ever more prominence, the US is losing hold of its position as the world’s superpower. Many on the long list of nations that dislike America are pondering ways to reduce American influence in their affairs. Ditching the dollar is a very good start.
and in Canada a few weeks ago and there were places that did not accept US dollars…found in comment page:
Economist Paul Samuelson and others (including, at his death, Milton Friedman) have maintained that the overseas demand for dollars allows the United States to maintain persistent trade deficits without causing the value of the currency to depreciate or the flow of trade to readjust. But Samuelson stated in 2005 that at some uncertain future period these pressures would precipitate a run against the U.S. dollar with serious global financial consequences.[1]
China and Japan Abandon U.S. Dollar as a Means of Trade 

9 foreign countries where you can use U.S. dollars

British Virgin Islands
Much like neighboring U.S.V.I., the British Virgin Islands employ the U.S. dollar as their official currency. This connection makes travel between the two island groups especially seamless—and gives the B.V.I. its reputation as a well-established tax haven. Don’t have millions in corporate profits to shore up? You can still find a haven of sorts at the Baths on Virgin Gorda; this unusual rock formation is one of our favorite secret Caribbean attractions (and, aside from the swaying palms, it’s a lot less shady).
I am still troubled over the amount of spending at around $109 Trillion Dollars
Spending per year best guess at numbers…
according to statements by Political Officials they bring in only $3 Trillion Tax Dollars Per Year at around $33 Trillion in 11 years..
   $109 Trillion
–   $33 Trillion
  $73 Trillion – in the negative…as far as we know
 The News is spreading fast…
Fri, Aug 23, 2013 at 7:24 PM
7:24 PM
I do not have the money to buy gold, and even if I did I would not buy the gold this Government has bought up. Odds are the market value will not go up, and you will lose money.
 Simple things to do, save up you coins… the value of the coin will grow or stay the same.
 from the half dollar to the penny
 collect old coins
 now this if things go bad this will make good wiping paper or to start up your fire place.
 Now to make it clear, no one said this will happen, its more a 50% – 50% per cent chance we will see something take place.
Also buy seeds for food, grow your own….because I went into BiLo and  I was charged $3.09 for a Loaf of Bread,,,I said no…a gallon of milk was close to $4 to $6.00 per gallon…. depending on which brand.
 Just say no and let the stuff rot on the shelf……
 Buy only American Gas…
 Buy only American Made Items…..
 In one month you will see a change…in six months….you will see a concern….in one year you will see these countries back paddle…..
 The Health Care Bill…just say no. I stand against it because of Abortion and Pharmaceutical Narcotics is paid for with the system…
This is not a Tea Party Boycott, Democrat Boycott, or Republican Boycott….it is by all means An American Boycott.
 I for one will make a stand you have the right to do as you please….
This is only  a few ideas, more will be most welcome…
 I must be off to other site I have over 136 to up date….this posting may be shared…there is no copy right for doing the right thing…
 One last note…if we do not boycott these countries this good old USA could fall into this area of Civil War that so may War Mongers want, and millions of people will die….

Some Miami Dolphins Refuse to Attend Ceremony At White House

( – The White House said Monday that it is not disappointed that some members of the 1972 Miami Dolphins have decided not to attend a White House ceremony Tuesday that honors them 41 years after they won the Super Bowl. –

 been a fan since I was 16

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Breaking News-Stansberry & Associates Investment Research


Stansberry & AssociatesInvestment Research has released a News Update


Dear Patriots and Friends,


I do not know how true this is but it is a long video with a lot of facts to show…the email I got,


Dear Henry Massingale,


Please find below a special message from our friends at Stansberry & Associates. They have some important information to share with you.


Bob Livingston
Bob Livingston
Editor, Personal Liberty Digest™
Editor, The Bob Livingston Letter™


One of the most widely-read financial journalists in America has done some interesting work recently…


He says there’s an approaching scandal working its way through the Obama administration, which could single-handedly ruin Barack Obama’s Presidency… and perhaps even his entire career.


I strongly encourage you to check this out.


It’s a fascinating story, and a real eye-opener–something you are unlikely to hear about anywhere else.


And even if just half of this story is true, it could certainly have a dramatic impact on our entire country over the next few years.


We’ve posted this fellow’s full analysis on our website. You can access it free of charge, here.




George Rayburn
Publisher, S&A Research




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U.S. Bio-Terrorism Report

CNN breaking the news of a plane crash at the ...

CNN breaking the news of a plane crash at the World Trade Center (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

 I saw a report on the Weather Channel last night…about bio-terrorism. Now the concept its self was over the top. I wanted to share from them, but I was unable to find the News Update on the net.
 The report here from CNN News does not share how people in the USA has these Garage Labs set up where they play with Bio Matter….all you have to do is pay them and you can play….this is so lost in thought because anyone can build such a Lab for around $2000.00.
So a CNN Report, a News Up Date.
USA Fails Bio-Terrorism Report Card
By CNN’s Jim Barnett
The United States remains largely unprepared for a large-scale bioterrorism attack or deadly disease outbreak, according to the WMD Terrorism Research Center.
The finding are in a report card released Wednesday, which gave the country 15 failing grades in categories ranging from detection to medical countermeasures.
The report card gave 15 F’s,15 D’s and no A’s in its assessment of current bio-defense capabilities in the United States.
The bipartisan center, headed by former Sen. Bob Graham, D-Florida, and former Sen. Jim Talent, R-Missouri, did find improvements since the 9-11 2001 attacks, but its analysis suggests the nation’s readiness to respond to various levels of biological disasters remains a work in progress.
In a news release accompanying the report card, the Center said, “In the past decade the United States government has spent more than $65 billion on bio-defense, and yet it has done so without an end-to-end, strategic assessment of the nation’s bio-response capabilities.”
The bio-response report card gave the United States failing grades when it came to detection, medical countermeasures, dispensing, medical management and environmental clean-up in a contagious large scale and global crisis.
U.S. fails bioterrorism report card
The infectious disease, anthrax, in a laboratory environment.
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The Last Stand

It kind of just came to me, in thought, a great big What If…? All this fuss over Gun Control.

You see everyone including this Government over looked something and so did I…this Gun Control…and all the whoooooos…… and whats, let just say we end up in a War, and our Military is hit just like in the days of Pearl Harbor……The Very Foundation of the Constitution, is so clear with this post . We The People Of The United States…will be the Last Stand….

1. The Second Amendment codifies a pre-existing right We hold these truths to be self-evident…inalienable The Constitution doesn’t grant or create rights; it recognizes and protects rights that inherently exist. This is why the Founders used the word “unalienable” previously in the Declaration of Independence; these rights cannot be created or taken away. In D.C. vs. Heller, the Supreme Court said the Second Amendment “codified a pre-existing right. The very text of the Second Amendment implicitly recognizes the pre-existence of the right and declares only that it “shall not be infringed … this is not a right granted by the Constitution” (p. 19).

Militia American Revolution

2. The Second Amendment protects individual, not collective rights Individual exercising 2nd Amendment The use of the word “militia” has created some confusion in modern times, because we don’t understand the language as it was used at the time the Constitution was written. However, the Supreme Court states in context, “it was clearly an individual right” (p. 20). The operative clause of the Second Amendment is “the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed,” which is used three times in the Bill of Rights. The Court explains that “All three of these instances unambiguously refer to individual rights, not ‘collective’ rights, or rights that may be exercised only through participation in some corporate body” (p. 5), adding “nowhere else in the Constitution does a ‘right’ attributed to “the people” refer to anything other than an individual right” (p. 6).

Individual exercising 2nd Amendment

3. Every citizen is the militia Militia American Revolution To further clarify regarding the use of the word “militia,” the court states “the ordinary definition of the militia as all able-bodied men” (p. 23). Today we would say it is all citizens, not necessarily just men. The Court explains: “’Keep arms’ was simply a common way of referring to possessing arms, for militiamen and everyone else” (p. 9). Since the militia is all of us, it doesn’t mean “only carrying a weapon in an organized military unit” (p. 11-12). “It was clearly an individual right, having nothing whatever to do with service in a militia” (p. 20).

Japanese Army WWII

Read more:

All of us a deeply sadden over the shooting that ended the lives of so many children, we will all ways remember the children that day in school. But it must be cleared up that Adam Lanza and his mental disorder came from my understanding,Mercury from our water and fish or from Painters Dumping Illegal Mercury Based Paint in our Dump Sites. It is also known because of Pharmaceutical Narcotics, and being involved in web sites that had violent games and porn . Porn of a different concept of demons and life…I still try to fool the system and find Adam Lanza‘s java script into sites and all I did find is where the use of children in porn is posted.

gas cost, long lines at the store, and bad traffic, shop online at your local store for the best shipping cost around… USA, LLC

Children Lost To The Porn World- Part 2

From Yahoo News…

 According to all the News Updates, of Nation Wide Arrests of a great many people, for using children and young teens in what we call Sex Slavery In America

 The FBI with Local Police Enforcement, staged what is now be considered one of the Nation Largest Crime…..

Yahoo News… 

The Following is google links and may not work from within this site, but in order to show just a small part of the arrest that took place…we are also going to share the google web link for this search-…8199.59326.0.61396.….0…1ac.1.23.firefox-hp..46.11.954.sqKqMo9ml-g

    1. Reuters ‎- 5 days ago
      WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The FBI arrested 150 people across the United States on charges  to face state and federal charges related to sex crimes and human trafficking, FBI and U.S. Justice Department officials said at a news conference.  The bureau didnot immediately release a list of the suspects.
  1. FBI arrests 150 in three days in sex-trafficking sweep – Yahoo! News…


    5 days ago – News: WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The FBI arrested 150 people across the  federal charges related to sex crimes and human trafficking, FBI and U.S. Justice  The bureau did not immediately release a list of the suspects.

  2. 2 suspected ‘pimps’ arrested in Birmingham area under FBI sex…/2_suspected_pimps_arrested_in.h…


    5 days ago – They each face charges of two counts of human traffickingand two counts of  Beaches; All Alabama. 5-day | Satellite. Search Close. Sign in. News …. area under FBI sex traffickingcrackdown charged, identified (updated). pimps.  The records do not clearly state what sentence Williams received.

  3. UPDATE: FBI Child Sex Trafficking Raid Arrests 11 in CSRA – Local…news…/updatefbi-child-sextrafficking-raid-arrests


    5 days ago – A joint venture between the Federal Bureau of Investigation and local authorities across the United states has led to the recovery of 105 

  4. FBI — Prostitution and Human Trafficking: A Paradigm Shift › … › Reports and Publications › LEB › 2013 › March


    Human trafficking is using force, fraud, or coercion to recruit, obtain, or provide a In over 100 arrests, most of the women expressed that prostitution was not their career of choice.  she stayed, when and what she ate, what clothes she wore, what she did, and when she did it. …. Program Update  Topics in theNews.

  5. FBI — Victim of Sex Trafficking Speaks Out › News › Videos


    Get FBI Updates · Home • News • Videos • Victim of Sex Trafficking Speaks Out Every year, thousands of children and teens are victimized by sex traffickers. very lucky to be able to walk away with it with no arrest, no kidnapping, nothing.  that we have isn’t in our fists or—it’s our words, it’s what we say, it’s what we do.

  6. FBI sex trafficking sweep nets four arrests, two child rescues…/fbisextrafficking-sweep-nets-four-arres


    CORRECTIONS: Did you find an error? let us know. LETTERS:  FBI sex trafficking sweep nets four arrests, two child rescues. By Melissa Pinion-Whitt, Staff Writer. Posted: 07/31/2013 07:15:20 AM PDT. Updated: 07/31/2013 04:59:04 PM PDT. Local and  Get the latest crime and public safety news on Twitter @IECrime.

  7. 100 Teens Rescued, 150 Pimps Arrested in FBI Raids – FindLaw…/100-teens-rescued-150-pimps-arrested-in-fbi-raids….


    6 days ago – But what exactly is human trafficking and how does it, as the FBI and even torture, an FBI assistant director said, according to NBC News.

  8. FBI rescues more than 100 children in sex-trafficking raid…/fbi-rescues-more-than-100-children-arrests-150-…

    6 days ago – The FBI launched a 72-hour nationwide operation targeting pimps who prey  Updated: Wednesday, July 24 2013 11:30 PM EDT2013-07-25 03:30:25 GMT  No victims were rescued in Minnesota, but investigators did arrest four  Hosko said during a news conference about the nationwide raid that was 

  9. 105 kids recovered in FBI sex traffic sting – Toledo News Now…/105-kids-recovered-in-fbisex-traffic-sti…

    6 days ago – In a news conference, FBI officials said the 72-hour operation netted the arrest of 150 pimps and recovered 105 childrens who were victims of 

  10. #FBI: 150 pimps arrested – Headnine Latest News…/…


    6 days ago – FBI updates on ‘Operation Cross-Country 7’ as the largest operation to date for  FOX NEWS CHANNEL and retweets are just retweets…a retweetdoes  than 100 children, arrests 150 pimps in sex-trafficking raid | FoxNews