Tea Party Nation Blunder

Why would the Tea Party Nation founder Judson Phillips, want to cover up Ted Cruz’s Connection to TPP Legislation ?

 Judson Phillips is the founder of Tea Party Nation, one of the largest Tea Party Groups in the country and the number one national tea party site on the Internet. A lawyer by profession, Judson has been involved in politics since his teens.Tea Party Nation is a conservative American group considered part of the Tea Party movement. Their official website describes them as “group of like-minded people who desire our God given Individual Freedoms which were written out by the Founding Fathers. We believe in Limited Government, Free Speech, the 2nd Amendment, our Military, Secure Borders and our Country!”

The group was created by former Shelby County, Tennessee assistant district attorney Judson Phillips in 2009.

 Now for the News,

Trade and the Tea Party: Washington insiders remain clueless

Regrettably there are some in the conservative movement that have an almost Pavlovian reaction to the words “free trade.”

If something is branded as “free trade,” some will support it without thinking, and without examining what’s behind the label.

This is the story of fast track and the Trans-Pacific Partnership.

The Trans-Pacific Partnership is a so-called free trade agreement currently being negotiated behind closed doors.  The Republican establishment is stepping up to favor the agreement that remains secret and whose contents are not even available to debate.

Last week in this space, Bill Watson of the Cato Institute claimed that the Tea Party supported so-called free trade.  It is always amusing to have people who are not a part of the Tea Party movement tell people who are in the Tea Party movement what the Tea Party movement believes and supports.

The Tea Party movement does not support the Trans-Pacific Partnership.

Why? There are two separate issues here.  The first is giving Barack Obama fast track authority to negotiate this so-called “free trade” deal and the second is the deal itself.

The TPP is another example of the Pelosi Principle: The Pelosi Principle says Congress must pass legislation in order to find out what is in it.

That is the story of the TPP.

When you look behind the “free trade” label slapped on the Trans-Pacific Partnership, you find this is not a magic elixir that cures all ills, but a noxious brew of unsavory ingredients.

It starts with something called Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) or fast track.  TPA was explicitly designed to enable the president to bypass Congress – that’s what its supporters say.  Conservatives are supposed to give President Obama fast track to go with his pen and phone.

Fast track allows Obama to negotiate a trade agreement in secret, sign it and then present the fait accompli to the Congress.  Congress is only given a limited time to vote yes or no on the treaty and under TPA Congress cannot amend the treaty.

What conservative or Republican is willing to trust Barack Obama?


How many times has Barack Obama lied to Republicans and to the American people?  Conservatives and Tea Party activists who oppose fast track authority for Obama have started referring to the Transpacific Partnership as “Obamatrade” and using the slogan, “If you like your job, you can keep your job.”

Conservatives and Republicans complain loudly and often about Obama’s unconstitutional actions, such as unilaterally rewriting a law that has been passed or not enforcing existing laws that he does not like. Why would any sane Conservative or Republican give Obama any extra powers, particularly those that are reserved to the Congress by the Constitution.

And then there’s the fact that the Trans-Pacific Partnership is not free trade.  It is at best special interest and corporatist managed trade.

The Trans-Pacific Partnership treaty is being negotiated in secret.  While those negotiations are being conducted in secrecy, special interests and big corporations are being given a seat at the table.  Real Americans only know what has been provided through Wikileaks.


Traditionally trade agreements have dealt with two issues, taxes and tariffs.  Less than a quarter of the TPP agreement, at least what we know of it, deals with taxes and tariffs.  The rest of it is special deals for special interests.  The rest of it is crony socialism.

Free trade does exist.  We have it in the United States.  There is free trade across the borders of the states and conservatives and Tea Party activists like this form of free trade.  Tea Party activists like free and fair trade.  Wey also like national borders and our nation, unlike global corporatists who have no loyalty to the country of their birth but sure know how to use big government to get taxpayer-funded bailouts and special favors.

Perhaps the only thing worse than Barack Obama’s record for openness and honesty is his track record on negotiating good deals for the United States. Every international accord he has negotiated since he has been in office has been a disaster.

Why should anyone expect the Transpacific Partnership to be any different?

The Trans-Pacific Partnership might turn out to be a good deal. Who knows? America doesn’t because the negotiations are being done in secret.

Does anyone really trust Barack Obama to deliver an international agreement that is good for America?

Does anyone really want to play Russian roulette with another bill that Congress must pass before America can find out what is in it?

Phillips is president of Tea Party Nation.


Then knowing that Ted Cruz voted for TPA Legislation, kind of makes  Judson Phillips of Tea Party Nation, out to be a liar. Drug Testing To Buy A Gun vs. The Reapers  Just another WordPress.com site and a interesting release of facts,  a Tea Party Nation Review


Tea Party Convention Of States Bradley County News

by Tif Morgan, Tea Party Convention Of States, they say we are nothing but a Bunch of Tea Party Rednecks. That we lack intelligence, do we have a surprise for them, because soon we will release a video, of the Corporate flunkies as they try to buy out the name of We the People of the Tea Party.

The closing of the forum. or the blog if you wish to call it that, “A 50 States Convention Program- Article V of the Constitution“, has caused  a large debate, by our members and others. It has been deemed wrong and UN-Constitutional. So a vote took place, and this A 50 States Convention Program- Article V of the Constitution went forward anyway.

by Calvin Johnson

You are already aware of my previous concerns with  this movement. Now it appears they are having secret meetings with politicians. I did not join this action to benefit the government in any way. Anytime things are done in secret behind the American’s backs we get screwed.

Bradley County News
Concerned citizen ousted from Convention of States meeting, deemed a “potential disruptive threat”
Dear Patriots,

2300 pm

An article submitted by Donny Harwood to Bradley County News-

I was tossed out of a Convention of States meeting in Nashville TN tonight.

I applied online to this very public meeting and received a ticket to attend. Immediately upon arriving, I said my name and I was surrounded immediately by COS employees and escorted out.

I demanded that I be able to attend this very important meeting but was told that because COS paid for the room they can determine who attends and who does not. I asked if I could speak with my State Senator Mike Bell and Mr Clark, a COS Regional Director said I could call him but he had not talked to him. I then asked for Mark Meckler and he said he was not attending this meeting.

My State Senator Mike Bell as well as Sheila Butt, Bill Ketron and Jay Reedy were inside with 5 other State Legislators reportedly. I was told this meeting was for them, this was the purpose. My question is what about the people who will be affected by these proposed changes and the fear that comes with a runaway convention.

I was told that I was a “potential disruptive threat” and that I was “Red Flagged” by someone in the organization. I was not disturbing a thing and even gave them my word that disruption was not my intent, I only wanted to learn more about this process. After all, I was told on two occasions to come to the meeting so “I could learn what it is about.”

At first I was angry then sad. I saw a slice of America that was not part of my country. In my opinion, they are attempting to put our Constitution in the trash and are not even allowing a conflicting opinion enter the room. There is a collective spookiness about this group of “conservatives!” I have not completely figured it out but I’m piecing it together.

The COS Regional Director first name I believe was Kevin, last name Clark, he was very nice but was visibly being directed by someone above him in the decision to toss me from the meeting. This display of tyrannical behavior by a “Conservative group” is completely unacceptable and begs all opposing to study this group and I would suggest we follow the money. Something is not right about it. I believe there is an agenda behind the agenda. Just a hunch, but I’m usually right about these things.

A task as big as changing our Constitution and putting our country at great risk, this group should be accountable to the people not just the politicians that will be called upon to call a convention. Secrets and “Private” meetings within a Republic is not the way things get done and it leaves the people with little input. This Constitution is also mine to protect. Those trying to pervert it in my opinion are enemy number one. This is a very sensitive issue with me as well as millions of other freedom loving Americans. Co-opting anyone’s freedom papers like the Constitution should never be allowed to act this way unimpeded.

One thing that I have drawn from this fiasco is it has only strengthened my resolve to make sure a Con Con does not come together in TN and across the nation. My cage has been rattled and that energy will spill over into our efforts to stop a Con Con.

The actions by COS tonight shows me that perhaps this animal has grown too big and out of touch with the people they are suppose to represent.

We have our work cut out for us. Continue to spread the word and direct people to this site. It’s crucial that we have great numbers to confront this gulag.

Remember, “Where the flak is heaviest it confirms the target!”

Anonymous and the American Militia Should Unite-YouTube