Last White Man Standing: anti Control

5g implants 5g cellphones, 5g towers across America, and the whole world. A true story.

I did not know they were continuing the research to Clone Jesus Christ 2019. And its like come on, people within the Trump Administration investing into the implants for Muslims and Hispanics coming into America. Implants to Bank with, now that is something. These implants, well you can be tracked all over the world.

 How many countries are building  artificial baby factories? So it may be true, we can be replaced in 50 years by some strange cloning operation.

 Its like this, the federal government wrote state laws, that states can not file against health effects because of the 5g networking tracking system and that is what it is.  Bank Money vs Health vs control by tracking humans.

Last White Man Standing: anti Control- YouTube

YouTubes New Guidelines: If Possible To Follow

You are not permitted to voice a opinion against groups or people. Videos that attack the one and only fake George Soros, is a key concern because all videos that were listed as conspiracy against the Democrat Party has been deleted. All of the Hillary Clinton Videos posted by Toptentogo’s News Network, for the second time has been deleted. 

 All videos linking back into this site of the Tea Party Command Center has been deleted again.

 Hate Speech, we never had any such videos up, my word against the YouTube Administration. The video Toptentogo’s News Network has a better rating then youtube. This is not my fault, and if youtube wants better ratings, stop attacking conservative based youtube forums.

 Stop attacking Christians, these attacks are bias and bring further hatred against Jewish people. Its not my fault we have a Jewish Congress that can not even balance the budget. But instead, they continue their attacks against anyone that supports President Trump.

 While YouTube allows Anti Semitic videos, Toptentogo’s News Networks challenged these videos. This was not permitted it was deemed hate speech against a Anti Semitic Group protected under Freedom of Speech, while our Freedom Of Speech against them is prohibited.

 And YouTube wants it forgotten that their system was hacked, this is not my fault that their superior intellectual data base has been compromised from day one.

 It’s Not My Fault

 it’s not my fault that every federal reserve bank  world wide was hacked.

It’s Not My Fault

 It’s not my fault they make up rules as they go alone. Such as you can not expose ISIS movements, it makes the current Congressional Party in Office look like idiots as ISIS sweeps across Africa, and they leave out the facts that it could possibly ISIS killing White Farmers.

It’s Not My Fault

It’s not my fault that the people of the EU is asking for help because of open borders are destroying a generation of indigenous people. This information is all so band at youtube.

It’s Not My Fault Understand This-

It’s Not My fault

(video by Two Feathers, We move into uncertain times, we are anti 666

Last White Man Standing: anti 666- YouTube